[행사/세미나] 신소재 세미나 안내 [박성배교수님: SUNY]
- 신소재공학부
- 조회수2110
- 2023-12-20
2. 시 간 : 2023년 12월 21일 오후 3시30분 ∽
3. 세미나 장소 : 제 2공학관 26106호
Prof. Seungbae (SB) Park is a Professor of Mechanical engineering of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton. He is also the director of Integrated Electronics Engineering Center (IEEC), a New York State Center for Advanced Technology (CAT).
He received his Ph.D from Purdue University in 1994 and worked for IBM Microelectronics for 7 years before joining SUNY Binghamton.
He has more than 200 technical publications and holds 4 US patents.
Dr. Park was elected as an IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, Chair of IEEE Electronic Packaging Society Thermal/Mechanical Technical Committee, Chair of ASME Electronics and Photonics Packaging Division, Former Chair of ASME K-16 Committee on Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment, and served as an associate editor for ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging.