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    Lab 연성물질물리연구실


방사광 가속기 엑스선 현미경 
생의학, 에너지, 환경, 노화


  • 2005.3 - 2008.2: 포스텍 신소재공학과 박사
  • 1997.3 - 1999.2: 포스텍 신소재공학과 석사
  • 1993.3 - 1997.2: 성균관대 금속공학과 학사


  • 2019.9 - 2020.8: 존스홉킨스대 생의학과 방문부교수
  • 2010.7 - 2013.2: 포스텍 신소재공학과 연구조교수
  • 2008.9 - 2010.6: 하버드대 물리학과 박사후연구원
  • 2008.2 - 2009.8: 포스텍 신소재공학과 박사후연구원
  • 1999.2 - 2005.2: LG.Philips Displays 선임연구원
  • 하버드대학교 박사후과정 지도교수 : David Weitz
  • 네이처 자매지, Scientific Reports 편집위원 (2013~현재)
  • Frontiers in Physics 부편집장 (2021~현재)
  • 한국현미경학회 X-ray 분과 연구위원 (2016년~현재)

학술지 논문

  • (2024)  Self-Powered Water Splitting of Ni3FeN@Fe24N10Bifunctional Catalyst Improved Catalytic Activity andDurability by Forming Fe24N10 on Catalyst Surface via theKirkendall Effect.  SMALL.  1,  1
  • (2024)  Heat Transfer by Sweat Droplet Evaporation.  ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.  58,  15
  • (2024)  Tracking accelerated oxygen evolution reaction enabled by explosive reconstruction of active species based on CoxN@NC.  JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A.  12,  12
  • (2024)  From non-doped to dopable: The impact of methoxyfunctionalization on doping and thermoelectric properties of conjugated polymers.  ECOMAT.  6,  1
  • (2024)  Contact line length dominance in evaporation of confined nonspherical droplets.  Physical Review Research.  6,  1
  • (2023)  Evaluating Droplet Survivability on Face Masks with X‑ray Microtomography.  ACS Applied Bio Materials.  7,  1
  • (2023)  NanoIEA: A Nanopatterned Interdigitated ElectrodeArray-Based Impedance Assay for Real-Time Measurement of Aligned Endothelial Cell Barrier Functions.  ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS.  13,  2
  • (2023)  The Slc45a4 Gene Regulates Pigmentation in aManner Distinct from that of the OCA4 GeneSlc45a2.  JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY.  1,  1
  • (2023)  The deformation of cancer cells through narrow micropores holds the potential to regulate genes that impact cancer malignancy.  LAB ON A CHIP.  23,  16
  • (2023)  Inhibiting Cracks in Latte Droplets.  LANGMUIR.  39,  15
  • (2023)  Spherical alveolar shapes in live mouse lungs.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  13,  1
  • (2023)  Limits to lifespan growth.  FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH.  10,  -
  • (2022)  High density deposits of binary colloids.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  12,  1
  • (2022)  Controlled synthesis of solid-shelled non-spherical and faceted microbubbles.  NANOSCALE.  14,  35
  • (2022)  Effects of adaptive acceleration response of birds on collective behaviors.  JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-COMPLEXITY.  3,  1
  • (2022)  Evaporation and Deposition of Colloidal Binary Droplets.  PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED.  17,  2
  • (2022)  Droplet evaporation on porous fabric materials.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  12,  1
  • (2021)  Durable tetra-scale superhydrophobic coatings with virus-like nanoparticles for oil–water separations.  APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE.  570, 
  • (2021)  Topological heterogeneity and evaporation dynamics of irregular water droplets.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  11,  1
  • (2021)  Evaporation and deposition of inclined colloidal droplets.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  11,  1


  • (2024)  학위 논문 작성법.  삼일기획.  단독
  • (2023)  연구 논문 작성법.  삼일기획.  단독
  • (2021)  원병묵 교수의 과학 논문 쓰는 법.  세로.  단독


  • 한국공학교육학회 젊은공학교육자상 (2016년)
  • 한국방사광이용자협회 신진학술상 (2008년)
  • 국제 나노기술 컨퍼런스 Soft Matter Poster Prize (2007년)


  • (2022)  Uniform, crack-free colloidal deposition with surface wettability adjusting.  APS March Meeting 2022.  미국
  • (2022)  X-ray imaging for respiratory droplet deposition on face masks.  APS March Meeting 2022.  미국
  • (2022)  Capillary bridge retention between two particles.  APS March Meeting 2022.  미국
  • (2021)  Evaporation and deposition of perovskite multisolvent nanoinks.  APS March Meeting 2021.  미국
  • (2021)  Binary colloidal mixture with maximum packing density.  APS March Meeting 2021.  미국
  • (2019)  Inclination effect on evaporation of colloidal droplets.  72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.  미국
  • (2019)  Wicking-mediated drying in porous media.  72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.  미국
  • (2018)  In-situ X-ray imaging for colloids and fluids.  International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment.  대한민국
  • (2018)  A new theory of wetting on rough surfaces.  US-Korea Conference (UKC).  미국
  • (2018)  X-ray imaging of colloids and fluids.  Colloid and Interface Symposium.  대한민국
  • (2018)  Cassie-Baxter State Can Explain the Impaled State.  APS March Meeting 2018.  미국
  • (2018)  Hard X-ray nanotomography of jammed sphere packings.  APS March Meeting 2018.  미국
  • (2018)  X-ray microscopic observations of Cassie-Baxter wetting behaviors.  APS March Meeting 2018.  미국
  • (2016)  Three dimensional force balance of asymmetric droplets.  Bulletin of the American Physical Society.  미국
  • (2016)  Evaporation dynamics of water droplets on inclined surfaces.  Bulletin of the American Physical Society.  미국
  • (2016)  Evaporation of water between two microspheres: how wetting affects drying.  Bulletin of the American Physical Society.  미국
  • (2016)  Visualization of the Cassie-Wenzel transition with X-ray microscopy.  Bulletin of the American Physical Society.  미국
  • (2014)  Analogy between coalescence and spreading for water.  Bulletin of the American Physical Society.  미국
  • (2014)  Tracking liquid in drying colloidal fluids with polarized light microscopy.  Bulletin of the American Physical Society.  미국
  • (2014)  Evaporation in dense suspension droplets.  Bulletin of the American Physical Society.  미국
