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Course Details

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ESC5015 Introduction to Thermoelectric Materials Devices 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Energy Science English Yes
The subject studies the characteristics and synthesis of new functional thermoelectric materials which are based on conventional thermoelectric materials, nano, and fusion technology. Plus, various applications with thermoelectric materials will be discussed.
ESM5109 Patents and Entrepreneurship1 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-4 Industrial Engineering Korean,Korean Yes
The important issues and process of filing patents will be lectured in this class. Also, entrepreneurship using patents will be studied. The related laws will be reviewed, and actual case studies will be carried out.
SDE5041 Advanced Semiconductor Technology 3 6 Major Master/Doctor Semiconductor and Display Engineering - No
The purpose of this course is to enhance theoretical understanding and cultivate practical ability of the latest semiconductor technology. This lecture covers semiconductor design, process and S/W by inviting executives and engineers from Samsung electronics DS, a global integrated device manufacturer.
SNT5054 Solar Cell 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Nano Science and Technology English Yes
Introduction to the fabrication and operation of solar cells. Topics include fabrication of solar cells; device structures; operating principles; design of solar cells.
SNT5056 Computational Science and Simulation 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-8 Nano Science and Technology English Yes
This course gives an introduction to the basic methods in computational science and engineering, and an overview of the recent progress in scientific computing. It covers techniques used in modeling physical systems numerically and analyzing data.
SUP5009 Bioelectronic Devices and Intelligent Information Processing 3 6 Major Master/Doctor 1-2 Superintelligence Engineering Korean Yes
The course covers the flexible electronic/bioelectronic materials and functional devices. Furthermore, various fabrication methods and characteristic analyses regarding soft electrodes, sensors, and non-volatile memories will be addressed. In addition, this course covers diverse artificial intelligence applications for effectively achieving high-fidelity physiological signals and biomedical images. For example, one topic is to discuss recent progress and limitation of sensors, memory devices, and artificial intelligence and predict their future prospects. The one goal of the course is to develop the ability of solving issues via various engineering aspects.